3.11 While Loops

Like a for loop, a while loop is a way of repeatedly performing an action. However, whereas a for loop runs a code block a set number of times, a while loop runs the block until a specific condition is met.

A while loop is structured like this:

while <condition>:
    {do something}

The condition can be any expression that can be evaluated as a Boolean (True or False) - in particular the comparison operators (==, <, >, etc.) are often used here. For example:

myString = "A"

while len(myString) <= 10:
  myString = myString + "AAAA"

3.11.1 Infinite Loops

Because a while loop runs an undetermined number times, a common error is an infinite loop, or a while loop that never stops running because the condition for termination is never met. Consider the following block of code:

myNumber = 1 

while myNumber > 0:
  myNumber = myNumber + 1

Here, the number starts at 1 (which is greater than 0) and only ever grows larger. The statement myNumber > 0 will remain true with every iteration of the loop, and the loop will never terminate, preventing your code from fully executing.