3.14 Modules

Often, we need to make use of functions beyond the basic ones in Python. To do this, we can import a module, or a collection of pre-written functions. A module is imported with the following syntax:

import <module name>

For example, to import the popular plotting module Matplotlib, we write:

import matplotlib.pyplot

3.14.1 Module functions

To use a function from Matplotlib, we need to reference both the package name and the function name, with the general syntax:


To use Matplotlib’s show() function, we would write:


3.14.2 Abbreviating module names

What if you don’t want to write out matplotlib.pyplot every time you run a Matplotlib function? To simplify this, we can give our modules a shorthand name. For example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Now, instead of writing out matplotlib.pyplot, we can just write plt. The previous matplotlib.pyplot.show() command is shortened to:
